Thursday, December 12, 2019

Masters in Nursing Education

Question: Discuss about curriculum development for masters in nursing education. Answer: Objective: This curriculum is designed to assist the nurses in developing necessary management and skills of leadership. The nurses would be able to apply the leadership skills by completing the course, leading to a transformation in the healthcare. Numerous interdisciplinary and inter-personal perspectives towards would be utilized that would enable the nurses to work in teams within the system of healthcare. The nurses would be enlightened to practice cultural inclusiveness in their practice, leadership, community engagement and research. This course will lead to the creation of engaged approaches to educate nurses how novel technology can be utilized for nursing research. At the end of the course, the nurses would be able to apply the science of nursing to improve the health and they will be having the power to restructure the system of healthcare by transformational research which has focus on the different communities and culture and rural health (Billings Halstead, 2013). List of Nursing Courses: Health Development Anatomy and physiology Health observation and assessment Drug classifications and use Medical ethics Course description The course builds on the introductory leadership and management content, preparing students to develop their leadership skills. The course on nursing leadership gives an introduction to the basic principles in nursing management and leadership pertinent to healthcare. The students will be enabled to explore the process of thinking systematically, exercising leadership and developing reflective judgment. The course covers leadership and management theories with parallel clinical experience in the nurse leadership role. It emphasizes application of theory to practice. Students will work with nurse managers to develop their own managerial skills.Students will study current political, professional, economic, and social issues affecting the professional practice of nursing and the health care sector. Students would be using self-reflection to assess their own leadership potential and apply concepts through discussions and class assignments. A field study would be taken up by them to monit or a nurse in a leadership role and participate in a performance development project. The course provides an opportunity to begin the transition process from a nursing student to professional practitioner. The topics to be covered in the course are introduction to computer application, introduction to leadership theories, nursing theories in practice, ethics and law of nursing, current issue in healthcare sectors, human resource management and preparation for higher education. Strategies of Learning The course should have proper strategies of learning to enable the students to learn and use information in a effectual manner. By suitable strategies of learning the students will able to understand the method of analyzing situations and solving problems. Learning would therefore be in the active mode and success would be more. These strategies teach the students to take in the best from the learning outcomes. No single strategy is a universal remedy and the comprehensive strategies are the correct mixture of well-balanced and integrated processes (Iwasiw et al., 2014). The different strategies are as follows: Reflection- It helps the students to think critically Interviews- It helps in the development of analytical skills. Debate- This strategy helps the students to research, resolve and reflect on the issues of nursing. It provides a framework to include the points of doubts in the context of subject matter. Seminar learning- This strategy helps the students to analyze and critique their own thinking process. Concept maps- It helps in building the ability to analyze context and draw a logical conclusion from a given issue. Role playing- In this, the students are able to have an artificial situation where students can think and feel in the role of others that reflect on the experience of students (Keating, 2014). Faculty Development The development of faculty is essential concerning all the aspects of the development of curriculum due to the reason that many colleges of nursing may not have preparation concerning the theory of education. A text-relevant, evidence-informed and a cohesive curriculum can only develop when the individuals who are concerned with the development understands the processes which are involved in the development (McCoy Anema, 2012). Evaluation and assessment The methodology for evaluation has to be formative and summative as well as qualitative and quantitative. The development of individual leadership has to be assessed by journaling and self evaluation, competency development measurements, qualitative research through tests and quantitative interview of the students involved in the program. Formative assessment methods monitor the learning of the students during the learning process. The feedback is taken up for identification of the areas where students are having difficulty so that the instructors can adjust their studying. These are low-stakes assessments. Formative assessments would include formal and informal techniques. The formal techniques include activities in the classes like class deliverables and quiz. On the other hand the informal techniques include surveys, written reflection, and checking for understanding (Oermann, 2013). The methods of summative assessment evaluate learning of the students for measuring the extent to which students have achieved the desired learning outcomes. These are high stakes assessments. Summative assessments would include examinations, portfolios, projects and presentations (Thomas et al., 2016). Conclusion In the end, it can be concluded that the development of curriculum should be managed on the discussed parameters of the curriculum development. The curriculum should be preplanned and based on the information from different sources. The objectives and planning for instruction should be based on speculation and investigation about human development, society, and learning. The decisions of the curriculum should consider all the criteria concerning development. The students also play a significant role in the practiced curriculum. The curriculum includes all the matters that affect students of nursing in delivering the methods, learning within the influence of the nursing school. The ideas of planning curriculum, processes of evaluation and assessment and, learning strategies should be more focused. References: Billings, D. M., Halstead, J. A. (2013).Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. Elsevier Health Sciences. Iwasiw, C. L., Goldenberg, D., Andrusyszyn, M. A. (2014).Curriculum development in nursing education. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Keating, S. B. (2014).Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing. Springer Publishing Company. McCoy, J. L., Anema, M. (2012).Fast facts for curriculum development in nursing: How to develop evaluate educational programs in a nutshell. Springer Publishing Company. Oermann, M. H. (2013).Teaching in nursing and role of the educator: The complete guide to best practice in teaching, evaluation and curriculum development. Springer Publishing Company. Thomas, P. A., Kern, D. E., Hughes, M. T., Chen, B. Y. (2016).Curriculum Development for Medical Education: A Six-Step Approach. JHU Press.

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